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Quickstart - Run a Package


Welcome to the Kurtosis quickstart! This guide takes ~5 minutes and will walk you through how to use a Kurtosis package to spin up a distributed system over Docker. Specifically, you will use the eth2-package to bootstrap and start-up a private Ethereum testnet.

Kurtosis is a platform for packaging and launching environments of containerized services and serve two types of users: the author of an environment definition, referred to as a Kurtosis package, and the consumer or user of the environment definition. This quickstart is intended to put you in the shoes of the consumer - someone who needs a quick and easy way to get a production-like environment to develop and test changes quicker for your distributed system. A separate guide is available here to introduce you to the world of Kurtosis package authoring and how one might define and build an environment with Kurtosis for themselves or for their team.

Our mission is to make building distributed systems as easy as building a single server application. The first problem we aim to solve on our journey to achieve this mission is to bridge the author-consumer divide for environment definitions. For this reason, we built Kurtosis. Further reading about what Kurtosis is and what problems Kurtosis aims to solve, is available on our introduction page. To learn more about our motivations behind starting Kurtosis, go here.

This guide is in a "code along" format, which means you are expected to follow the code examples and run the Kurtosis CLI commands on your local machine. Everything you run in this guide is free, public, and does not contain any sensitive data.

What You'll Do
  1. Install Kurtosis and Docker, if you haven't already.
  2. Configure how you want your distributed system to be spun up, using parameters that are passed in at runtime.
  3. Run a single command to spin up your network.
TL;DR Version

This quickstart is in a "code along" format. You can also dive straight into running the end results and exploring the code too.

Open the Playground: Start

Click on the "New Workspace" button! You don't have to worry about the Context URL, Editor or Class. It's all pre-configured for you.

If you ever get stuck, every Kurtosis command accepts a -h flag to print helptext. If that doesn't help, you can get in touch with us in our Discord server or on Github!

Install dependencies

Before you get started, make sure you have:

  • Installed Docker and ensure the Docker Daemon is running on your machine (e.g. open Docker Desktop). You can quickly check if Docker is running by running: docker image ls from your terminal to see all your Docker images.
  • Installed Kurtosis or upgrade Kurtosis to the latest version. You can check if Kurtosis is running using the command: kurtosis version, which will print your current Kurtosis engine version and CLI version.

Define how your system should look like

Kurtosis environment definitions, referred to here on as Kurtosis packages, support parameterization out of the box. This means your teams or your communities can leverage the same package with different configurations for their specific use-case, eliminating the need to maintain different Bash scripts or docker-compose.yml files per use of the environment definition.

You're now going to create a file to house the parameters that you will pass in at runtime when your system starts up. Check out the README for the eth2-package to see the full list of configuration options and flags available for use.

Create a file titled: network_params.json in your home directory, populate it with the below contents, and save your file:

"participants": [{
"el_client_type": "geth",
"el_client_image": "ethereum/client-go:latest",
"el_client_log_level": "",
"el_extra_params": [],
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
"cl_client_image": "sigp/lighthouse:latest",
"cl_client_log_level": "",
"beacon_extra_params": [],
"validator_extra_params": [],
"builder_network_params": null,
"count": 2
"network_params": {
"network_id": "3151908",
"deposit_contract_address": "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242",
"seconds_per_slot": 12,
"slots_per_epoch": 32,
"num_validator_keys_per_node": 64,
"preregistered_validator_keys_mnemonic": "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete",
"deneb_for_epoch": 500
"verifications_epoch_limit": 5,
"global_client_log_level": "info",
"mev_type": "none",
// When set to true, Kurtosis will bootstrap and start a Grafana and Prometheus instance alongside other network monitoring tools.
"launch_additional_services": false,

The arrays in the participant object enables you to define the specific Ethereum client types and respective image tags you want to use in your network, alongside any extra parameters for the validator, beacon, or builder as well as some useful flags for the verbosity of log lines. In this example you'll be using the latest image tags for the Geth and Lighthouse clients and have specified 2 nodes to be spun up.

Meanwhile, the network_params object defines the specific parameters for the network, including traits like the network_id, seconds_per_slot, and slots_per_epoch.

Lastly, there are a few fields that let you, as a consumer, define the log verbosity level and whether or not you'd like additional services and infrastructure to be spun up with your distributed system. In this example, you will not spin up extra monitoring tools (via the launch_additional_service field) or Proposer-Builder Seperation (PBS) infrastructure (via the mev_type field).

Spin up your system!

Great! You're now ready to bring up your own network. Simply run:

kurtosis run --enclave eth-network "$(cat ~/network_params.json)"

Kurtosis will then begin to spin up your private Ethereum testnet by interpreting the instructions in the Kurtosis package, validating the plan to ensure there are no conflicts or obvious errors, and then finally executes the plan (read more about multi-phase runs here). Kurtosis first spins up an isolated, ephemeral environment on your machine called an enclave where all the services and files artifacts for your system will reside in. Then, those services will be bootstrapped and required files generated to start up the system.

You will see a stream of text get printed in your terminal as Kurtosis begins to generate genesis files, configure the Ethereum nodes, launch a Grafana and Prometheus instance, and bootstrap the network together. In ~2 minutes, you should see the following output at the end:

INFO[2023-08-28T13:05:31-04:00] ====================================================
INFO[2023-08-28T13:05:31-04:00] || Created enclave: eth-network ||
INFO[2023-08-28T13:05:31-04:00] ====================================================
Name: eth-network
UUID: e1a41707ee8e
Creation Time: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:04:53 EDT

========================================= Files Artifacts =========================================
a662c7c74685 1-lighthouse-geth-0-63
6421d80946ce 2-lighthouse-geth-64-127
a1ad3962f148 cl-genesis-data
730d585d5ec5 el-genesis-data
c1e452ad7e53 genesis-generation-config-cl
284cde692102 genesis-generation-config-el
b03a5b7b9340 geth-prefunded-keys
013f5d8708fa prysm-password

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID Name Ports Status
202516f0ff8f cl-1-lighthouse-geth http: 4000/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5054/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 9000/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 9000/udp ->
66bdfbd6c066 cl-1-lighthouse-geth-validator http: 5042/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5064/tcp ->
b636913d4d03 cl-2-lighthouse-geth http: 4000/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5054/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 9000/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 9000/udp ->
e296eefa1710 cl-2-lighthouse-geth-validator http: 5042/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5064/tcp ->
4df1beb0203d el-1-geth-lighthouse engine-rpc: 8551/tcp -> RUNNING
rpc: 8545/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 30303/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 30303/udp ->
ws: 8546/tcp ->
581a0fe5de77 el-2-geth-lighthouse engine-rpc: 8551/tcp -> RUNNING
rpc: 8545/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 30303/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 30303/udp ->
ws: 8546/tcp ->
4980884d9bb0 prelaunch-data-generator-cl-genesis-data <none> RUNNING
3174baf6a6ff prelaunch-data-generator-el-genesis-data <none> RUNNING

Thats it! You now have a full, private Ethereum blockchain on your local machine.

The first section that gets printed contains some basic metadata about the enclave that was spun up. This includes the name of the enclave eth-network, its Resource Idenfitier, your enclave's status, and the time it was created.

Next, you'll see a section dedicated to Files Artifacts, which are Kurtosis' first-class representation of data inside your enclave, stored as compressed TGZ files. You'll notice there are configuration files for the nodes, grafana, and prometheus as well as private keys for pre-funded accounts and genesis-related data. These files artifacts were generated and used by Kurtosis to start the network and abstracts away the complexities and overhead that come with generating validator keys and getting genesis and node config files produced and mounted to the right containers yourself.

Lastly, there is a section called User Services which display the number of services (running in Docker containers) that make up your network. You will notice that there are 2 Ethereum nodes comprised of 3 services each (an EL client, a CL beacon client, and a CL validator client) and 2 genesis data generators for each the CL and EL. Each of these services are running in Docker containers inside your local enclave & Kurtosis has automatically mapped each container port to your machine's ephemeral ports for seamless interaction with the services running in your enclave.

Why Kurtosis packages - from a consumer's perspective

Kurtosis was built to make building distributed systems as easy as building a single server app. Kurtosis aims to achieve this by bridging the environment definition author-consumer divide. Tactically, this means making it dead simple for a consumer (like yourself) to pick up an environment definition, spin it up, and deploy it the way you want, where you want - all without needing to know specialized knowledge about how the system works or how to use Kubernetes or Docker.

Specifically, this guide showed you:

  • The power of parameterizability: as a consumer of the environment definition, having both the knowledge and means to configure the system to spin up the way you need it is incredibly valuable - a big reason why Kurtosis packages are meant to be parameterized. In this guide, you created the network_params.json file which contained your preferences for how the network should look and passed them in to Kurtosis with relative ease. The author of the package need only define the arguments and flags available for a consumer, and Kurtosis handles the rest once those are passed in at runtime.
  • Portable and easy to wield: a major contributor to the author-consumer divide comes from the knowledge gap between the author and consumer regarding the infrastruture and tools needed to instantiate a system. Understanding how Kubernetes works, what Bash script to use at which step, and working with Docker primitivies are all pain points we believe Kurtosis alleviates. In this guide, you installed Kurtosis and ran a single command to get your system up and running. This same command will work anywhere, over Docker or on Kubernetes, locally or on remote infrastructure. We believe this portability and ease of use are requirements for bridging the author-consumer divide.

There are many other reasons why we believe Kurtosis is the right tool for bridging the author-consumer divide. Check out the next guide to experience the workflow for a package author and how Kurtosis improves the developer experience for an environment definition author.


And that's it - you've successfully used Kurtosis to instantiate a full, private Ethereum testnet - one of the most complex distributed systems in todays time.

Let's review. In this tutorial you have:

  1. Installed Kurtosis and Docker.
  2. Configure how your system should look like, using parameters that are passed in at runtime.
  3. Run a single command to spin up your network.
  4. Reviewed how package consumers benefit from using environment definitions written for Kurtosis.

In this short guide, you went through the workflow that a Kurtosis package consumer would experience. It is strongly encouraged that you check out the next guide where you will set up a Postgres database and an API server to as a package author.

This was still just an introduction to Kurtosis. To dig deeper, visit other sections of our docs where you can read about what Kurtosis is, understand the architecture, and hear our inspiration for starting Kurtosis.

To learn more about how Kurtosis is used, we encourage you to check out our awesome-kurtosis repository, where you will find real-world examples of Kurtosis in action, including:

Finally, we'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to share with us what went well, and what didn't, using kurtosis feedback to file an issue in our Github or to chat with our cofounder, Kevin.

Lastly, feel free to star us on Github, join the community in our Discord, and follow us on Twitter!

Thank you for trying our quickstart. We hope you enjoyed it.