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Version: 0.83.12


The ExecRecipe can be used to run the command on the service (see exec or wait)

exec_recipe = ExecRecipe(
# The actual command to execute.
# Each item corresponds to one shell argument, so ["echo", "Hello world"] behaves as if you ran "echo 'Hello World'" in the shell.
command = ["echo", "Hello, World"],

# The extract dictionary can be used for filtering specific parts of a response
# assigning that output to a key-value pair, where the key is the reference
# variable and the value is the specific output.
# Specifcally: the key is the way you refer to the extraction later on and
# the value is a 'jq' string that contains logic to extract parts from response
# body that you get from the exec_recipe used
# To lean more about jq, please visit
extract = {
"extractfield" : "",

If you are trying to run a complex command with |, you should prefix the command with /bin/sh -c and wrap the actual command in a string; for example: command = ["echo", "a", "|", "grep a"] should be rewritten as command = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo a | grep a"]. Not doing so makes everything after the echo as args of that command, instead of following the behavior you would expect from a shell.